The Power of Enthusiasm

I got inspired by the informative article "Toxic People" by Dr Travis Bradberry. When I think about those people spreading stress and negativity around, it gives me the chills. My article is about the opposite: enthusiasm, eagerness and positive attitude.

What is the driver for enthusiasm? Why some of us are more enthusiastic than others? The reason for being enthusiastic lies in your personality. The more extrovert you are and the more imagination, optimism, passion and ambitiousness you possess, the more likely you are eager to express yourself in social situations, collaborate in teams, share your thoughts in public or participate in complex projects. Being enthusiastic is an energetic state of mind.

Are you genuinely interested in communicating with people, do you smile a lot and do you get inspired by many different things?

What are the benefits of having enthusiastic people around...? They enjoy working in areas which require versatile skills like selling, presenting, performing, managing, analysing or innovating. Enthusiastic types like information sharing, thus allowing the whole organisation to benefit from their ideas, knowledge, efforts and business drive. Being curious, achievement oriented and passionate about what they do, they are good at inspiring others! And like no other type, they eagerly exchange news, ideas and career tips with their network during their free time. They are THE networking people.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Enthusiastic, determined personalities are motivated to solve problems. They anticipate changes, are willing to learn and search for improvements by questioning the current methods. Some types are highly analytical while some have more difficulties in switching into a peaceful, analytical mood. They are always able to find a way out of an unfavourable situation because they are not afraid of challenges. During stressful times, positive attitude and courage are helping them to get back on track.

Enthusiastic people have creative power. They embrace changes and like challenges. Positive attitude, courage and friends help them to re-energize and focus.

How to cherish an enthusiastic mind? To be born with an enthusiastic mind is fun, thrilling and energy consuming. You have all that ongoing optimism to share and plenty of energy to be channelled forward. It is important to keep enthusiastic types active by giving them challenging, interesting tasks. Motivation is linked with their performance. In order to function in an optimal way, an enthusiastic person needs to find resources for inspiration, re-energizing and focusing. Healthy eating habits and quality of sleep are crucial, too.
  • One of the best ways to regain energy is via exercising. Sport activities require concentration and determination, making you relaxed and reorientated. At the same time you feel satisfied (endorphins) of doing something good for yourself. Since enthusiasm is related with ambitiousness, these types often like competition sports.
  • Another tip for re-energizing is to meet your friends regularly and share an inspiring hobby with them. Spending time with friends will force you to focus on something completely different, they give fresh viewpoints and good laughters. It is quite eye-opening and rewarding to have friends with different personalities than your own!

Great relationships are about appreciating the similarities and respecting the differences.

Once you are aware of your own personality type, it makes it easier to find a suitable, motivating job. But every now and then it is good to try something non-typical for your personality i.e. moving out of your comfort zone. That's where the true magic happens!

Click here for understanding more of your personality type. Here you can find the profiles of all 16 personalities, how they interact with others and make decisions.
I can now reveal my own personality type: I am ENTP. Which type are you?


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